It’s hard to even know where to begin because I feel like I have been on this journey for a lifetime. I have had a strong intuition and a bold “imagination” from the time I was a little girl. I felt feelings to my core and was always super sensitive. I have always had a hyper awareness to the energies around me.
I didn’t become super in tune with my gifts until 2 years ago when my brother, Lance, passed. The period of time after he passed was one of the most difficult times in my life. Six months after he passed I saw a medium myself and the messages that came through the reading were deeply healing. There were details and some unresolved situations that were brought up during the reading that I received so much clarity around. One of the things my brother communicated to me was that he wanted me to go to therapy because he had gone to therapy before his passing and he knew it would be helpful for me.
I started seeing a spiritual therapist and it helped me to be vulnerable and to face my own emotions. During therapy is when I began to open myself up to connect with realms beyond the physical plane we are on now. I began doing breath workshops, which also connected me farther with other realms around us. My gifts gradually began to manifest as I went on this journey of inner healing.
It wasn’t until November of 2020 however, until I began to receive direct messages from people on the other side. I had opened up my dream space for people’s loved ones to come through with messages of love and comfort. I was on a trip to Yosemite National Park to celebrate my brother’s 25th birthday and the first person to come through was the mother of the owner of the Airbnb I was staying in. For a week afterwards I had visits from many people on the other side. I made the conscious choice to connect while I was awake and from that point my abilities expanded. I am now able to connect with people who are in heaven, and I am also able to connect with energies of people around me who are here on earth.
It has been extremely rewarding to open myself up to these abilities. Since November, I have done readings for close friends and complete strangers. My only hope is that everyone leaves their reading feeling that same sense of peace and connection that I felt when connecting with my brother for the first time.